Fat Transfer

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Lake Oswego, Portland, OR and Woodburn, OR

Fat Transfer Dr. Quita Lopez

Fat transfer is a cosmetic procedure that uses harvested adipose tissue (body fat) to revitalize, accentuate, reconstruct, or augment a different body area like the buttocks, breasts, hips, and face. A key distinction of fat transfer procedures from other implant, lift, or augmentation procedures is the “transfer;” using the patient’s own body fat as the implanted filler material.

A patient’s own fat (autologous fat) is becoming an increasingly common filler for procedures of this type. Its ready availability and biocompatibility have led many surgeons to consider it to be the perfect implant material. (1)

Depending on the source of the fat graft, autologous fat transfers carry the added benefit of creating a slimmer waistline, thigh gap, or other liposuction reduction. The patient can experience two benefits in one operation; adding mass to their desired regions and removing it from another.

If you seek reconstruction or augmentation, a fat transfer can help you reach your body image goals and boost your happiness and confidence. Accredited and board-certified, Dr. Quita Lopez has been practicing medicine for more than 40 years and has countless hours of experience, so you can trust that you are in good hands.

Schedule a consultation with one of the leading plastic surgeons in the Portland area today, or call (503) 353-0888 to learn more about our procedures.

Before and After Photos

About Fat Transfer

Fat transfer is a surgical procedure where harvested fat from a donor site—such as the abdomen, thighs, or flanks—is purified and re-injected into areas requiring volume restoration, allowing for significant aesthetic enhancements. This minimally invasive procedure has gained immense popularity due in part to its dual benefit: achieving the desired volume in difficult areas while eliminating unwanted fat.

At its core, this technique utilizes the body’s own resources to achieve aesthetic outcomes, thus minimizing the risks typically associated with synthetic fillers or implants. Fat transfer can be particularly beneficial in the following contexts:

  • Facial Rejuvenation: Adding volume to sunken cheeks, lips, or temples.
  • Breast Augmentation: Enhancing breast size naturally without traditional implants.
  • Buttock Enhancement: Creating fuller, curvier buttocks is often referred to as the Brazilian Butt Lift.

After GLP-1 Medication

As GLP-1 medications like semaglutide (Ozempic, Wegovy, Rybelsus) and tirzepatide (Mounjaro, Zepbound) grow in popularity, more patients are experiencing an aging effect known informally as “Ozempic face” from rapid weight loss and the ensuing skin droop. Using fat transfers to correct this creates a plumper, fuller, and younger look in the patient’s face and hands, allowing them to retain their weight loss progress while also looking their own age, if not younger.

Benefits of Fat Transfer

Autologous fat transfers can benefit a patient’s life significantly. Just some of the positive changes experienced are:

  • Faster Recovery Time: Using the patient’s own fat as a filler material means that the tissues are already compatible. The body will not recognize the filler fat as a foreign entity, so the immune system will focus on healing the augmented body part and incorporating the filler fat into the tissue rather than fighting a foreign intrusion. This leads to a faster overall healing time and a reduced risk of fever and other post-procedural complications. (2)
  • No Risk of Synthetic Complications: Avoiding the use of synthetic filler materials eliminates any risk of patient anaphylaxis, infections, or filler leaks.
  • Adding Volume Through Reduction: Autologous fat transfers offer patients a “two birds with one stone” procedure. Depending on the source site, fat harvesting can have the effect of a slimmer waistline, wider thigh gap, or other reductions. The process is similar to liposuction-based body sculpting. Removal of excess fat to accentuate or rejuvenate another part of the body allows patients to shift their body fat to where they want it; reducing in some places to increasing in others.
  • Natural Looking, Long-Term Results: Autologous fat’s biocompatibility means that the added filler fat will settle naturally in the targeted site and reduce the time spent healing. This leads to minimal scarring and natural-looking accentuations or corrections. Because the filler fat will bind with the surrounding tissue, you will maintain the results of your procedure for long periods afterward, if not forever.
  • Procedural Versatility: There is no limit to what can be achieved with a fat transfer, within reason. Harvesting fat from one site to supplement another can work to eliminate facial aging and wrinkling, rejuvenate hands and feet, reconstruct body parts following an injury, and more. Popular procedures like Brazilian Butt Lifts, facelifts, and eyelid lifts can also use autologous fat transfers to achieve success.
  • Minimally Invasive Procedure: Harvesting and reinjecting a patient’s own fat only requires a few minor incisions to insert a cannula to remove tissue from the source site, and then syringes will be used to reinject it into the target areas. Not only will you receive anesthesia for this (either general or local), but these methods keep scarring and recovery time to a minimum.
  • Increased Confidence and Quality of Life: Feeling comfortable and confident in your new, ideal body can revitalize your outlook on life. More confidence means more happiness and more happiness means a higher quality of life. You deserve to feel like your best self and live a life of positivity, so schedule your consultation to let us help you get there.


Candidacy for a fat transfer procedure from Dr. Lopez depends on the patient’s goals. Most patients will qualify for their desired procedure, but candidates who experience the best results are those who:

  • Wish to accentuate parts of their body or rejuvenate their features with fat injections
  • Have specific goals and realistic expectations for the procedure
  • Are in good overall health
  • Are non-smokers or willing to quit
  • Have a medical history that will ensure a positive outcome for the procedure
  • Are generally unsatisfied with their body image and want to take action

Scheduling a meeting with Dr. Lopez is the first step in your fat transfer journey.

Personal Consultation

Fat Transfer Dr. Quita Lopez

We believe that your happiness is one of the most important factors in your health. If a fat transfer procedure is what achieves that, then we want to help you live your best, healthiest life. Dr. Lopez will create a plan that considers your goals, expectations, and medical history to successfully harvest fat and supplement your target areas.


Preparation for your procedure will depend on the procedure being performed. Dr. Lopez and her team will give you these specific instructions during your consultation. General anesthesia may be required, so it may be necessary to fast prior to your procedure to maximize its effects. It is recommended that smokers either quit entirely or at least during their preparation, procedure, and recovery. Dr. Lopez will be the best source of information on how to prepare for your specific procedure.

Schedule your consultation online or call (503) 353-0888 with any questions.


All procedures will start with a fat graft. This process of harvesting the patient’s fat begins with a small incision in the source area. Dr Lopez may inject a tumescent solution to hydrate the tissue and assist in its removal. (2) She may forgo this and harvest the adipose tissue directly, all depending on the needs of the patient. She will insert a cannula and then collect the surplus fat with medical suction. The fat will then be processed and administered to the patient in the necessary areas.

It is common for more fat to be harvested for Brazilian Butt Lifts and breast augmentation. These are larger areas than other common fat recipient sites and will require a corresponding level of fat to achieve the natural, proportioned look that is desired. Less fat will be required for other procedures like facial, hand, or décolletage (chest) rejuvenation. With these procedures, Dr. Lopez may need to shape and smooth out the injected fat to create a flat, natural, youthful appearance free of wrinkles or filler lumps. All fat transfer procedures are minimally invasive, so your total pain and scarring will be kept to a minimum.


It is important to remember that fat transfer procedures require two places to heal: the fat harvesting site and the recipient site. The most common side effects experienced by patients receiving injected fillers are swelling and soreness. (2) It is likely that Dr. Lopez will provide you with a compression garment to maintain consistent pressure on the treatment areas to reduce swelling. Icing the areas and over-the-counter medications can also assist with this and with pain relief.

Overall, recovery will depend on the procedure performed, but at least a couple of days of rest are recommended. Dr. Lopez and her team will provide you with more specific information on your best route to recovery.


Results vary depending on each patient’s desired goals, but Dr. Lopez regularly sees patients satisfied with their results and confident with their new appearance. Patients who undergo a facial fat transfer will typically emerge looking at least five years younger, along with a fuller, brighter complexion. A 2024 study found that 86% of BBL patients were satisfied with their results. (3) Similarly, 70-80% of breast procedure patients describe the outcome as perfect and are happy with their results. (4) Dr. Lopez usually sees higher percentages.

Cost of Fat Transfer in Portland

Dr. Lopez’s fat transfer procedures vary in cost depending on the patient’s chosen procedure. Procedural costs will also vary based on the scale of the surgery and any measures that need to be taken to best accommodate the patient. For an accurate estimate, schedule a consultation with Dr. Lopez. You can also explore financial options on our website or call (503) 353-0888 to receive further information.


  1. Vasavada A, Raggio BS. Autologous Fat Grafting For Facial Rejuvenation. PubMed. Published 2021. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK557860/
  2. Riyat H, Touil LL, Briggs M, Shokrollahi K. Autologous fat grafting for scars, healing and pain: a review. Scars, Burns & Healing. 2017;3:205951311772820. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/2059513117728200
  3. Serbülent Güzey, Ayça Ergan Şahin. Brazilian Butt Lift: An Experience Over 3000 Patients. Aesthetic plastic surgery. Published online April 5, 2024. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s00266-024-03965-8
  4. Fardo D, Sequeira Campos M, Pensler JM. Breast Augmentation. PubMed. Published 2021. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK482206/