No-Drain Tummy Tuck
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Lake Oswego, Portland, OR and Woodburn, OR

A drainless tummy tuck is an innovative solution to excess stretched skin and protrusion of the abdomen. Achieve a flat stomach and slim profile with a reduced recovery time, thanks to drainless tummy tuck.
This surgery is ideal for mothers wishing for their pre-baby body, people recovering from significant weight loss, and individuals whose abdomen has become loose and prominent due to age.
What is a No-Drain Tummy Tuck?

A no-drain tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin from the abdomen, repairs and tightens the underlying abdominal muscles, and reattaches the skin so that you have a smoother, level tummy. This procedure deviates from the traditional tummy tuck because it does not implement drains in recovery. Instead, the skin is quilted down with sutures, disallowing fluids to gather. With no drains and strategic sutures, this procedure boasts a rapid recovery. Implementing drains can be uncomfortable. With a drainless recovery, you can remain comfortable. Local anesthesia will be used instead of general anesthesia or heavy sedation. Using local instead of general anesthesia will help you avoid unpleasant symptoms such as nausea and constipation.
A no-drain abdominoplasty can have you up and active
the next night after surgery!
Our dedicated staff led by Dr. Quita Lopez will help you determine if a drainless tummy tuck is your ideal solution! There are many details that go into an abdominoplasty. Some patients only need a mini tummy tuck whereas others will require a full tummy tuck for their cosmetic goal. The difference between these two procedures is the length of the incisions. A mini tummy tuck has a short incision just above the pubic hairline. Whereas a full abdominoplasty will reach from hip to hip and include an incision around the belly button.
View our tummy tuck pictures to see the difference between the two procedures and so you can develop a realistic expectation for what this surgery will accomplish for your appearance.
Before and After Photos
Benefits & Candidates
A no-drain procedure will let you enjoy your results sooner and get back to your normal life in no time!
Belly tuck surgery is a great solution for healthy men and women looking to slim down their midsection. These individuals should be within their ideal weight range and lead a healthy lifestyle. Due to the fact that smoking can impact healthy blood flow, patients who smoke will be advised to discontinue smoking at least two weeks before and after treatment. Good blood flow is necessary for a healthy recovery from any surgical procedure.
Tummy tucks are often pursued by mothers and are included in mommy makeovers. This procedure involves multiple surgeries to help mothers get their pre-baby bodies back! Tummy lifts are also a great solution for weight loss patients. Men and women who lose significant weight are often left with bulges of stretched out skin. A tummy lift will smooth out their stomach and get rid of stretch marked tissue. Dr. Lopez will help you show off your hard work to get back to a healthy weight by showing off your new body!
The primary advantage of a drainless tummy tuck is the
fast, comfortable recovery.
Drains have been used for a long time in tummy tucks but are not required. Without drains, aftercare is more comfortable and quick. Instead of drains, simple activity and anti-inflammatories are used to reduce swelling and help your body recover from the procedure. Patients are often able to maneuver around after twenty-four hours and begin low impact exercise after a week. Many patients can return to work within a week.
If you are concerned about the appearance of your abdomen, a tummy tuck can help you regain your slim form! Schedule a consultation with Dr. Lopez, your best tummy tuck surgeon, to learn more about this revolutionary procedure.
Personal Consultation
In a private meeting with Dr. Lopez, you will have the opportunity to learn about this revolutionary technique that she specializes in.
First, Dr. Lopez will need to learn about your health to ensure a tummy tuck is a healthy, safe option for you. She will ask about past procedures, allergies, and current medications to ascertain your candidacy for a drainless tummy tuck. She will also inform you of the benefits of a no-drain surgery and how it will improve your recovery.
A tummy tuck is a personalized procedure that will need to be planned out in advance in accordance with your features and aesthetic goals. You and Dr. Lopez will work together to create your best treatment plan.
Once your surgery is planned out and an appointment has been scheduled, you will be informed about how to prepare for your treatment. Following these instructions will help you have a healthy surgery and positive recovery.
Prior to your drainless tummy tuck, fill your prescriptions and request a few days off from work. Dr. Lopez and you will have discussed an appropriate amount of time off from work. Get ready for this break and pick out a spot in your home where you can rest and relax.
Arrange for rides to and from the appointment. Although this surgery will not use heavy sedation it is still important to have a friend drive you back from surgery. You will be adjusting to movement and likely won’t be comfortable driving.
We encourage you to have a friend stick with you for a day or two after your drainless tummy tuck. It is always helpful to have assistance after surgery!
Twelve hours before surgery, you will begin to fast. Getting a good night’s rest will help you have a great start to your day. Arrive at your appointment a few minutes early so you can address any last-minute details and not feel rushed.
The surgery will take about two hours, after which you will be taken to a recovery room to be monitored.
Long-lasting, local anesthesia and light sedation will be administered. Once you are comfortable, Dr. Lopez will begin the procedure. An incision will be made along your abdomen just above the pubic hairline. Through this opening, the abdominal muscles will be repaired and strengthened. Stretched, loose skin will be excised and the remaining skin will be reattached. Sutures will be used to close the area.
After the surgery, you will return home to rest. Pain medication can be used to control any discomfort. Most patients can begin walking around twenty-four hours after surgery. Taking brief walks will improve circulation and help diminish swelling. You will need to sleep on your back for a few weeks so as not to apply pressure to your incisions. Pillows may be used to elevate the pelvis and help reduce swelling.
A follow-up appointment with allow Dr. Lopez to make sure you are recovering well and give you an opportunity to ask any new questions.
After three to five days you should be able to return to work. Strenuous activities will need to be avoided for about six weeks but gentle workouts can be returned to after two weeks.

Your stomach will be smoother and flatter right after treatment! These results will only get better as swelling decreases. Your final results will set in after about two months and you will get to enjoy the result for years!
Maintaining a healthy, consistent weight is the best way to keep your results for a long time!
Complementary Procedures
Liposuction is a great treatment to combine with a tummy tuck. Lipo surgery will enhance the contours of your abdomen and remove bothersome fat bulges.
Combining a tummy tuck and liposuction will truly transform your core.
If you are interested in how lipo techniques can be used during a tummy tuck to provide even better results, ask Dr. Lopez about your options during your personal consultation!
How Much is a Tummy Tuck?
No-drain tummy tuck costs are determined by the goal of the patient and what steps are taken to accomplish that goal. Abdominoplasties are personalized treatments that change from person to person. To learn more about the costs involved, call our office today at 503-353-0888 to schedule your consultation!
Do you always have drains after a tummy tuck?
Drains are frequently used after a tummy tuck to ensure excess liquids leave the treatment area but drains are not a requirement. In a traditional tummy tuck, there is a gap left between the fat and muscle of the abdomen to allow for excess fluid to collect. Drains are placed in the gap to let the fluid drain into receptacles. If drains are used in your surgery, you will need to empty them every few hours. Drains are often left in place only for a few days but some doctors require them to for a few weeks. Drains are uncomfortable and are often a source of infection.
In a drainless tummy tuck, a gap is not left between the abdominal fat and muscle. Instead, sutures are used to sew the tissue together. These sutures will not allow fluid to gather but will also be flexible enough to adjust to the movement of the abdomen. This procedure is a healthier alternative to traditional tummy tucks.
How long do drains stay in after a tummy tuck?
Drains often stay a couple of days but may be required for a week or two. The length of time will reflect the type of surgery and the extent of improvement accomplished.
Can you get a tummy tuck without scars?
A tummy tuck requires incisions through which the abdominal muscles can be accessed and unnecessary skin can be removed. Scars are not always prominent and tummy tucks scars will fade with time, but scarring is an aftereffect of a tummy tuck because the procedure requires incisions.
Can I go back to work after tummy tuck?
You will need to take some time after the procedure to rest and recover. The average time people take off from work is one to two weeks. This time period will fluctuate based on the physical requirements of your job.